
 Low Carbon Buildings Programme

Grants for the installation of microgeneration technologies are available to public sector buildings (including schools, hospitals, housing associations and local authorities) and charitable bodies.

Budget  – An extra £45m for the Low Carbon Buildings Programme

The Department of Energy and Climate Change who fund the Low Carbon Buildings Programme welcome the announcement of an additional £45m for the programme. The department is currently considering options for the best use of this additional funding across both Phase 1 and Phase 2 of the programme.

Applications are being accepted now until the end of June 2009. If you are planning to apply for Solar PV funding please note that we have seen significant interest for this technology over the last few months and despite increasing the Solar PV pot by £14m we have now committed the full Solar PV allocation. You can continue to apply for PV grants however and these applications will be kept on hold pending further announcements. We are currently processing solar PV applications from the 18th March and any PV applications on hold from that date will be contacted in due course. We would therefore very much appreciate your patience in this matter.